Dear Mr. Brody by A.M. Johnson

 Dear Mr Brody Teasers

Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Dear Mr. Brody
By A.M. Johnson

DMBebook (1)

For Him, Book 3


I never meant for any of this to happen, to fall for you. It doesn't matter that we're both adults, or how much we want this to work. The college policy is clear. I can't see a way around this without one of us getting hurt. If I would’ve known who you were when we met online, I would have never pursued a relationship. I'm new to all of this, and besides my daughter, getting to know you has been the best thing to ever happen to me. But I can't make you hide again. I won't. It's not fair to either of us.

Deepest regrets,



Dear Mr. Brody,

You're right, we are adults. I'm twenty-four years old, and I think I can decide for myself what's best for me. If this is about you losing your job, I'll walk away. But if this is you trying to protect me, then you're an idiot. I want you. I care about you. My past isn't an issue. What we're doing… it isn't the same thing. If we have to hide, so be it. I'm not ready to let you go.

Your Lost Boy,


Universal Link

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With Anne only a few feet away inside, I should have stopped him. But my heart was all over the place, the adrenaline in my system overriding my common sense. He cupped the back of my neck, his firm fingers releasing all my anxiety as his lips tasted mine. I fisted my hand in his t-shirt, closing the space between us, and he backed me into the door, smiling against my mouth when I groaned.

“Hi,” he whispered before pulling my bottom lip through his teeth. “As much as I love a good public display of affection, are you going to invite me in sometime tonight?”

I rested my forehead against his. “My daughter is here.”

“No shit?” He dropped his hands from my waist and nearly fell off the porch as he tried to put as much space between us as possible.

“Lanie tried to call me, but I was in the shower, and I didn’t check my phone.” I raked a hand through my hair. “She has to work, and her parents are sick. I didn’t know what to do, and I wanted to call you, but—”

“Breathe,” he said, his lips lifting into a lopsided smile. “It’s not the end of the world.”

“You’re right… We can have dinner another time.”

But now that he was here, I didn’t want him to leave. Why did my life have to be this goddamn complicated?

“Oh… sure, yeah… another time,” he said, shoving his hands into his back pockets.

“Wait… do you want to stay?”

“Why would I want to leave?” he asked, his smile playful. “I’m capable of keeping my hands to myself long enough to have dinner with you and your daughter. I’m not a total heathen.”

“I thought…” I stuttered. “Isn’t it too soon?”

“To meet Anne? That’s up to you.” He exhaled, his hands falling to his sides. “I can’t make that decision.”

When Lanie and I had separated, I worried Anne would get attached to her mother’s boyfriends. Not in a jealous way either. I didn’t want a revolving door of people coming in and out of her life while Lanie and I tried to live our own lives. But Anne didn’t have to know the specifics of my relationship with Parker. She was ten. And as long as Parker and I were appropriate, she’d think he was one of my friends.

“I’m not ready to come out to Anne,” I said. “But, if you’re okay with being in the friend zone while she’s here, I’d love for you to meet her.”

“I can handle that.” Parker took the bottom hem of my shirt between his thumb and forefinger, his candid blue eyes searched mine. “Can I be honest?”


“I love kids, don’t get me wrong. But I’m nervous. What if I do something I shouldn’t, like swear or—”

“I swear all the time. Lanie and I have never been PG-parents.”

He laughed and leaned close enough I could feel his breath on my lips. “It’s going to be hard not touching you tonight.”

“It’ll be good practice for tomorrow when we're in class.”

“Can I kiss you again before we go inside?”

Pulling me into his strong arms, he pressed his chest against me as I nodded. My heart thundered, a shiver spreading over my skin as his mouth melded to mine. The kiss was messy and fast, and when he pulled away, I licked my lips, savoring the sweet taste he’d left behind.

“Do you like mushrooms?” I asked and he laughed, the deep rumble of it vibrated against me.

“Not particularly.”

“What about waffles?”

“Who doesn’t like waffles?”

I smiled, his answer lifting the weight off my shoulders.

“I think you and Anne will get along just fine.”

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Dear Mr. Brody, Amanda is giving away:

  • a signed set of both the Dear Mr. Brody Versions (Amazon & the Exclusive Illustrated version) - for a US Winner
  • an e-set of the For Him Series so far (3 ebooks) & a swag pack for an International winner

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:

Amanda is an award winning and best selling author of LGBTQIA and contemporary romance and fiction. She lives in Utah with her family where she moonlights as a nurse on the weekends and hikes in the mountains as much as possible.

If she’s not busy with her three munchkins, you’ll find her buried in a book or behind the keyboard where she explores the human experience through the written word, exploring all spectrums and genres.

She's obsessed with all things Hockey, Austen, and Oreos, and loves to connect with readers!

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IG @am_johnson_author




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