Of Tails and Mistletoe by Natalina Reis

Release Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Of Tails and Mistletoe
By Natalina Reis

Of Magic and Scales, Book 3.5

In this Christmas novella in the Of Magic & Scales series, the usual cast of zany but lovable characters is back to love and to hold the clueless groom on his way to married bliss. With or without the mistletoe.

Aiden Mercer is about to become Naƫl Fouchard's husband. Their Christmas wedding is all the ex-detective can think of now that his life has settled into a comfortable routine and no one is threatening his life or that of those he loves.

But whose bright idea was it to put him in charge of finding a venue for the wedding? Or to give him a case of mertail-napping to solve?

Universal Link



“Earth to Major Aiden.” Taz, all red hair and crazy sunglasses, stood before me, half bent so her face was smack in front of mine, her scarlet lips puckered in mock worry. “Geez, Aiden, where the hell did you go for the past few minutes?”

Bringing my mind back to reality from wherever it had gone, I flattened my hand on her face and pushed her away from me. “Stay away, witch. I forgot my garlic.”

She slapped my hand away and frowned, straightening the sunglasses on her nose and rubbing her lips together. “Fuck! I’m not a vampire, idiot. Now you smudged my lipstick.”

“Serves you right for not respecting my personal space.” I sounded like a child even to my own ears. I had been so preoccupied with figuring out where to hold our wedding, I had been a pain in everybody’s ass—including my own. “Be a good witch and get me a bica, will you?”

Before the witch could explode—and she most certainly would—my soul mate came to her rescue with two cups of hot espresso and a truffle.

“No need to kill each other,” he said in that sexy voice of his. “Remember, it’s Christmastime , a time for tolerance and goodwill to men—and women,” he rushed to add before Taz took exception. “But in our case, goodwill to this man in particular.” He wagged his eyebrows in a very Marx Brothers’ way and I had to laugh. My usually stern and cantankerous merman could be very funny sometimes.

I pulled him against my side and squeezed his delicious ass. “Oh, I will most definitely show you a boatload of goodwill later, my sweet merrow.” He chuckled and bent down to kiss the top of my head. “I just can’t come up with an idea for a wedding venue that doesn’t reek of bad memories. It’s driving me nuts.”

“You mean nuttier, right?” Taz interjected, daintily sticking out her pinky finger as she took the coffee to her lips. “Because you are already a nut.”

I gave her the stink eye and then took a swig of the hot coffee. “What do you think of the Capuchos Convent? We could have the ceremony out in the courtyard at night.” We had had such great moments together in that place, it made sense to hold it there.

“That’s a great idea,” my man said, glancing at the clock on the wall, a beautiful kitschy thing I had recently purchased from a local store. “Shit. I promised Vee I would be there for the first rehearsal. Can you check it out for me, sweetheart?”

Disappointment must have been obvious on my face because Taz leaned forward over the table and said, “Oh, don’t be so sad, Aiden. I’ll go with you.”

I snorted. “Like I need your company.” But I did. I hadn’t been to the convent since Fouchard had surprised me with a private birthday celebration in the fall. I hated to go there without my lover. Then, there was my dad, my druid-monk father who lived a humble life in the convent. I wondered what my mom thought about that. And did I want to see him again so soon? I had forgiven him for abandoning me as a babe, but there was still some anger inside me. “What time do you want to go?” I might as well give in.

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release Of Tails and Mistletoe, Natalia is giving a lucky winner the chance to win an $10 Amazon Voucher!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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3 books + Couple 2 + Q

Of Magic & Scales: Universal Link

Of Scales & Fire: Universal Link

Of Fire & Bone: Universal Link

Natalina Reis

About the Author:

Natalina wrote her first romance in collaboration with her best friend at the age of 13. Since then she has ventured into other genres, but romance is first and foremost in almost everything she writes.

After earning a degree in tourism and foreign languages, she worked as a tourist guide in her native Portugal for a short time before moving to the United States. She lived in three continents and a few islands, and her knack for languages and linguistics led her to a master’s degree in education. She lives in Virginia where she has taught English as a Second Language to elementary school children for more years than she cares to admit.

Natalina doesn’t believe you can have too many books or too much coffee. Art and dance make her happy and she is pretty sure she could survive on lobster and bananas alone. When she is not writing or stressing over lesson plans, she shares her life with her husband and two adult sons.

Connect with Natalina:
Website: https://natalinareis.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authornatalinareis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TichaB
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14883335.Natalina_Reis
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Natalina-Reis/e/B01ADQ9FJW
Newsletter sign up: https://natalinareis.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reisnatalina/
Reader’s Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/215263965917134/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/natalina-reis
AllAuthor: https://allauthor.com/author/natalinareis/



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