New Year Not You by Edie Montreux.

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
New Year Not You
by Edie Montreux

New Year 2

Last year, law student Brady Madison's binge drinking left him naked, unconscious, and in trouble with the law. Now 350 days sober and with only two weeks to serve the last twelve hours of community service, Brady's faced with another difficult choice: take an offer from the jerk who took the incriminating pics or spend the remaining hours in jail.

Tate Quinn's snap judgment in Brady's hotel room on New Year's Eve ruined any chance he had of hooking up with Brady. Worse, his parents refuse to pay for another semester of grad school until he makes his mom's New Year's charity event a success.

Tate needs a volunteer to help him herd the cats, er, kids, at the New Year's Eve afternoon party, and Brady has always been good with kids. Can they put aside their past anger and shame for six hours, or will these potential lovers turned enemies resolve to remain enemies in the new year?

New Year Not You is a 55k word enemies to lovers M/M Romance between a recovering alcoholic and a recovering man-child. This novel has an AA sponsor moonlighting as a DJ, a cold war between two moms, and two dudes who are not looking for true love (but find it anyway).

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This scene is from Brady's point of view, when he first sees Tate at their friend Sandi's annual holiday party. Before they become enemies, Brady thinks Tate's the most interesting thing at the party and wants to get to know him better.


Brady knew Tate Quinn, more by the sound of his laugh than anything else he remembered. Tate's laughter at his little sister's jokes had given Brady too many impure thoughts as he and his parents sat in the pew in front of the Quinns at church. The thought of sitting there one more Sunday without turning around and kissing him senseless drove Brady to come out to his parents one Sunday before church. Thankfully, his gay card had also been his get out of church free card. No more tempting Tate Quinn and his sexy laugh.

Except now Tate sat down beside him on Sandi's couch and leaned in. "Hey. You're Brady Madison. I remember you."

Tate's breath still smelled minty fresh. Brady guessed toothpaste, not peppermint schnapps.

"Our moms are huge rivals," Brady said. "I'd be surprised if you're even allowed to talk to me. The gay might rub off on you."

"Could it really?" Tate asked, his face way too close for comfort now. The guy had no grasp of personal space. "I would love to rub one off with you, too."

"Wow, dude, that's not what I meant." It answered a question Brady would have never asked, but in an awkward and not at all sexy way.

Tate blinked, and then he laughed. It wasn't the sweet, genuine laugh Brady appreciated from church. No. This laugh was rehearsed for raucous crowds like this one, and it grated Brady's last nerve.

He tried to push his way to his feet, but Tate's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Hey. Sorry. I get nervous around local celebrities, okay? Let's try this again."

Tate held out his other hand. "Tate Quinn. My mom's biggest failure. My grades are so bad I'm probably going to flunk out of med school next semester. I have zero friends at this party because I went to Holy Cardinal, and I'm super gay."

Brady couldn't help it. He grinned.

"Nice to meet you, Tate. I'm Brady. Second year law student, but only because I had to retake some courses this year. I sat in front of you at Holy Trinity and I monitored the four-year-old room when your little sister went to Sunny Time daycare. How's she doing?"

"Oh hell no. I am not talking about my little sister when I'm trying to get laid," Tate said.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of New Year Not You, Edie is giving away

  • A set of 3 spiral-bound notebooks from Edie (US Winner)
  • $10 Amazon Gift Card (Open Internationally)!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:

Edie Montreux (she/her) is demisexual and an ally for all aspects of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. She loves her husband, Queen, dogs, and video games. Edie works full time to support her writing habit. Somehow, she still finds time to walk the dogs and protect imaginary worlds from fantasy creatures.

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