Past Life Lover by S. Rodman

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway:
Past Life Lover
By S. Rodman

Past Life Lover Cover

Coming July 14th

Who knew putting the bins out could be life changing?

Sam is cleaning up his bar after closing time when out of nowhere a beautiful man jumps literally into his arms and won't let go.

He soon discovers that the gorgeous stranger, Tally, has had a very traumatic night.

So all this talk of them being lovers in a past life and Tally escaping from hell to be with him again, must just be trauma induced delusions.

It has to be? Right?

There is no way this sweet looking young man is a reincarnated dark lord.

But Sam doesn't mind looking after Tally until he feels better. It's not like the poor man has anywhere else to go.

It’s not like one good deed will lead to his life being turned upside down and inside out. Will it?

So what if strange things start to happen? Such as hell hounds and then Lucifer's husband showing up.

Tally might just well be worth it. Tally might just be worth everything.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the Cover Reveal, we are giving 2 advanced e-copies of Past Life Lover before its release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:

I love characters that are battered and broken by life, who through the course of finding love, discover they are strong.
I like to pour my dark past into my characters and hope I will be forgiven.
Despite everything, because of everything, I will always believe that love conquers all.

Catch up with S.Rodman:



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