Zero by Ana Night

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
By Ana Night


Salvation Kings MC Series, Book 7

Being released from prison is bittersweet for Jack. He may have done his time, but now he’ll have to make up for the things that got him locked up in the first place. Getting back into his club and King’s good graces may take more than he has to give. Then there’s the problem of his very own knight in shining armor. All he really knows about Zero is that for some reason he keeps jumping to Jack’s defense, and that the guy pisses him off. For more than one reason.

When Zero looks at Jack, he sees himself; broken, bruised, and looking for a second chance. Even when Jack makes it perfectly clear he doesn’t want his help, he can’t stop defending him. He sees right through Jack’s tough exterior, and he’s spellbound from day one. Then Jack starts to look at him in a way no one ever has and while all he wants is Jack, he finds it hard to believe anyone could ever love someone like him.

Jack’s bad choices catch up to him in an unexpected way and if he’s forced to choose between going back to prison and protecting Zero, he knows what he’ll choose.

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HE PUT on his cut, a smile finding his lips as he ran his hands down the front of the leather vest. The Kings had saved his life. Had given his life meaning again after all those years behind bars.

If it wasn’t for Walker and Jet, he didn’t know if he’d even be alive right now.

Watching the two of them build a life together, loving each other, it made him long for more. He wasn’t stupid enough to think he’d ever find something like what they had. It was hard enough to find someone who’d stay more than one night.

‘I’m a convicted murderer’ wasn’t exactly a good conversation starter, but he wasn’t going to lie about it. He’d done what he had to in order to protect his foster sister, but he’d also gone a bit overboard. He’d taken a life and he knew it’d been wrong. Knew he deserved to do the time he had even if his sister disagreed. Walker had always thought the sentence unfair, too, but he hadn’t expected Walker’s boyfriend to become the head of the Zero-didn’t-deserve-that-prison-time club.

Jet hadn’t exactly been happy to meet him. In fact, he hadn’t been sure Jet would let him in the house from how he’d glared daggers at him at first, but then he’d discovered just how big of a heart Jet actually had. Shouldn’t have surprised him, really. Walker had been in love with the guy for years so of course he was amazing. Walker deserved nothing less.

He walked out the door and headed down the hall to the stairs. When he stepped out of the building and onto the parking lot, his gaze landed on his bike, and a wide smile spread on his lips.

He’d found her broken and missing several pieces. Walker and Jet had taught him how to put her back together and in doing so, he’d realized he was good at it. She’d been a labor of love and patching her up had helped patch a few of his own wounds.

When Len, the head mechanic and owner of the auto shop, had seen the finished result, she’d looked at him with narrowed eyes and he’d thought she was about to tell him about all the mistakes he’d made. Instead, she’d hired him.

He worked part-time at the shop and part-time with Skinner, the liaison to their support club the King’s Disciples. Skinner ran an outreach program for troubled kids. Zero was the living cautionary tale of what would happen if they fucked up. It seemed to work wonders on the kids but he also liked working with them. They reminded him of how he was as a troubled teen and he loved being able to give them the support and help he’d so desperately needed himself back then.

He mounted his bike, and a breath of relief escaped him. He still woke up most mornings thinking that it had all been a dream but swinging his leg over his bike and landing his ass on that seat made it all feel real.

Hearing her purr as he turned the key always made him grin to himself. It was hard to believe that this was his life now, but it was, and he would forever be grateful to Jet and the Kings for it.

He pulled on his helmet and lowered the visor, then took off out of the parking lot.

As he drove down the road, the wind blowing against him, he knew that he’d gotten way more than he deserved.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Zero, Ana is giving away 3  e-copies of the release!

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About the Author

Ana Night is a writer of suspenseful gay romance. She’s an avid reader who has loved the written word since she discovered it. When she was a kid, she never went anywhere without a notebook. She was always writing, be it in the back seat of the car, between classes in school, or by the pool on vacations.

When she’s not writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book, singing and dancing, watching her favorite TV shows, or creating book covers.

Ana lives in Denmark where she spends most of her time running from her ninja kitty—that one goes for the ankles—and getting lost in the woods with her horse.

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