Life On Mars by Patricia Logan

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Life on Mars
By Patricia Logan

Life On Mars Cover

FBI Files, Book 4

Things aren’t always what they seem.

Special agent, Max Prince, and his boyfriend, Dr. Leo Reeves, are back to work after their first case together. When a prominent Department of Defense scientist kills himself in a mysterious way, their entire FBI team is tasked to figure out if the weapon he was working on was somehow the cause of his death. Things get even more interesting when SAC Lincoln Snow calls in old friends to help. Damon Thorne, formerly of the CIA, and Jarrett and Thayne from the ATF step up help on the premise that their case might have a link to biological terrorism.

It's so much worse.

Seventy years ago, the CIA began an illegal human experimentation program, code named MKUltra, and the more Leo and Max learn about what Dr. Cummings has been doing for the DOD, the closer they draw parallels to the defunct program. These experiments aren’t the only things the government scientist has been working on. When Jarrett and Thayne go exploring at his house, they discover a secret room which promises to reveal the true nature of what’s happening…and it’s worse than they could’ve imagined.

Evil always targets the most vulnerable.

Just when they think they’ve figured out what’s going on, an old nemesis from the FBI steps in with instructions to shut it all down and take over. All Max knows is, the sudden appearance of a guy their whole team hates, can’t be good, especially when he starts throwing his weight around. Something else is going on here and a cover up is on the tip of everyone’s tongue. To top it all off, an embarrassing ex, an accidental poisoning, multiple break ins, and a couple of bad guys acting like ninjas, add to the utter chaos of this case which promises to be stranger than life on Mars. After all—

Truth is stranger than fiction.

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“Those documents look like the ones we found at Preston Cummings’ house,” Thayne said. He pointed to the ones in front of Leo and several of the agents started murmuring. When the screen changed to a series of photos of people who appeared to be in various stages of poor physical condition, everyone shut up.

“Well, those weren’t included in what we found,” Max drawled.

“Definitely not,” Leo said, leaning forward as Max did the same beside him. He pointed to the screen. “Where’d you find these, Noah?”

“These were hidden on the encrypted laptop you all found out there, Doc,” Noah replied. He continued to type until a picture of an elderly woman holding a cat popped up onto the screen. “This is…was…Doctor Cummings’ mother…and—I assume—her cat. It’s the only photo on the computer at first glance but all these photos were hidden inside it. Further, the data files were hidden within each picture.” Photographs of paperwork that looked exactly like what Leo had been showing them moments before appeared on the screen as Noah continued to type.

Max pointed to the screen. “So those files are the ones you gave to Thorne and are the same ones we found in the filing cabinets?”

“Well, I haven’t seen what you found in the filing cabinets,” Noah said. “Does it look anything like these data files?”

“Yeah,” Max said. “With the exception of the photographs.”

“How’d you find all that information inside one picture on his laptop?” Lincoln asked. His brows were furrowed as he stared at the screen.

“Steganography. It’s simple coding for hiding a file within a picture which simply appears to be a picture to an average user,” Noah said. “You don’t have to be a sophisticated hacker to do it and in fact, you can learn how to do this on YouTube. It leads me to believe that the doctor probably learned how to hide these files and data himself.” He chuckled for a second before clearing his throat.

“What is it?” Snow asked.

“Sorry. I say that he must have used something like YouTube because he was the very definition of low tech. He named his mother’s picture ‘Mama with Gus’ and the files hidden within it are named ‘Hidden Files’ and ‘Nothing to See Here.’”

“That’s kinda cute,” Carter said, squinting up at the screen.

“Yeah…but not cute cute,” Jarrett replied.

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To celebrate the release of Life On Mars, we are giving away an e-set of the FBI Files Series so far (4 eBooks)!

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About the Author:

International bestselling author Patricia Logan, resides in Los Angeles, California. The author of several #1 bestselling romances in English, Italian, French, and Spanish lives in a small house with a large family. When she’s not writing her next thriller or paranormal romance, she’s watching her grandchildren grow up way too soon, and raising kids who make her proud every day. One of her favorite tasks is coaxing nose kisses from cats who insist on flopping on her keyboard while she types. Married to a wonderful man for 36 years, she counts herself lucky to be surrounded by people who love her and give her stories to tell every day.

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