Bear in Boots

 Title: Bear in Boots

Author: Sue Brown

Series: Bearytales

Release Date: 31st July 2023


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Price: $3.99


An explosive found family romance in the Bearytales in the Wood world.

Brad feels out of place in his tight-knit family. His six gay Daddy brothers are all coupled up, leaving Brad as the lone Daddy without a boy to love. The drama of the past two years has eased and now, he’s lonely. 

Brad has always found solace in his barn, where he spends his days blowing things up and writing poetry about the explosive chaos. He’s even gotten a publishing contract although he isn’t sure what he’s meant to do with it.

Then a shy young man turns up at Christmas Tree farm from his publisher. He’s meant to be there to illustrate Brad’s book, but what he can’t remember is he and Brad have met before. The rest of the family can though, from the smirks.

No matter what he wants, Eric knows he’s there just until the book is complete. Brad wants him to stay forever in his arms. It’s an impossible choice for Eric. Then danger knocks at the cabin door… 


Sue Brown is a Londoner with a dream to live on a small island. Coffee fuels her addiction for writing romance with hot guys loving each other, and her Adorkadog snores in harmony as she creates.

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Being confronted with three men scowling at him was disconcerting, especially the two huge guys blocking the doorway. Then another ten men stared at him from a table piled high with food.

Eric’s stomach growled at the delicious aroma. Was that meatloaf? He tried to sniff without being obvious. His mouth watered. It was meatloaf, one of Eric’s all-time favorite meals.

But he was here to do a job, not fill his belly. He was cold and hungry. It had been a long ride here. And now his client, who was another man mountain, had no idea he was coming. Eric just prayed they didn’t throw him out. He wasn’t sure he could face that road so soon. He swore he’d driven up with his eyes shut.

The biggest one squinted at him. “Isn’t he that guy you stuck your…ow!”

The other bear had just elbowed him in the ribs. “What did you do that for?”

“Just bring him over here,” a young guy, maybe Eric’s age, said. “He looks frozen. Join us for lunch, Eric. There’s a space next to Brad.”

Eric turned to Brad, who still stared at him, looking just as confused as he was. “Is that okay?” he asked hesitantly.

Brad seemed to shake himself. “Sure. Come meet my family.”

Eric was sure he mumbled “…again,” but he must have misheard. 

This was how Eric found himself between Brad and a much smaller blond-haired boy…man, Eric corrected himself hastily. 

“Eric, it’s good to see you again,” the small man said.

Eric frowned. “Do I know you?”

There was a silence around the table and Eric caught them looking at each other.

“You don’t remember me…us?” Brad asked.

Eric bit his lip. “I have amnesia. I was in a car accident last year. I don’t remember anything before then.”

They all looked horrified. Eric was used to that expression. What he wasn’t used to was people who said they knew him.

“The food is getting cold,” one of the big men grumbled. He wasn’t big, he was massive, and all muscle. No wonder he liked his food.

“Quick introductions,” the little guy said, “then you can eat. I’m Vinny. This is Damien. He’s mine.” He pointed to one of the men with a graying beard who had greeted him at the door. “And so is Rexy.”

Eric blinked. The little man had two boyfriends?

“Rexy’s my dog,” Vinny said, pointing to a small black mutt of indeterminate breed, sacked out in front of the stove.

“Oh.” Eric nodded to show Vinny he understood. 

What had he just walked into?

“Down, boy,” the man said, with a fond smile. “He’s Brad’s.”

Eric’s jaw dropped and then he heard a choking sound on the other side of him.  He turned to see Brad staring across him.

“What the hell, Damien?” Brad’s voice cracked.

“I’m sorry, Eric,” the man who’d invited him to sit said. “You’ll get used to us. It’s always like this. I’m Lyle. This is my…boyfriend. This is Gruff.” 

He pointed to a huge man on one side of him. Gruff looked younger than Brad or Vinny’s guy. He also looked unhappy at something Lyle had said.

“Not again.”

Eric turned to see who had spoken. Massive guy smiled at him but there was a cautious edge Eric didn’t understand. 

“Eric, I’m PJ. This is my boy, Jack.”

Jack waved at him. He looked to be in his mid-twenties. His smile was friendly enough.

“Look, kid, we’re all gay,” PJ said. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“No,” Eric squeaked.

“Good. We’re all brothers. The big dudes are my brothers by blood. The little dudes are my brothers by love. No, Damien, you can’t start sniffling now.” PJ turned to fix his gaze on Eric. “And we’re all in Daddy/boy relationships. Do you have a problem with that, too?”


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