Blaze of Eternity (D’Vaire, Book 39) by Jessamyn Kingley


Book Title: Blaze of Eternity (D’Vaire, Book 39)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: September 28, 2023

Genres: MM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Tropes: Fated mates

Themes: Love, overcoming obstacles

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  107 000 words

It does not end on a cliffhanger.

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Mates are forever, but sometimes the road to eternal love is far from easy.


Masse is a mage of earth, but he was born with a special gift. Thankfully, a nomadic tribe of men stumbled upon him in his youth and recognized it. The men rescued him from his isolated village, and since Masse was three he has worked diligently to embrace his unique skills. Now twenty, Masse tries to be perfect but often winds up punished for breaking their strict rules and testing his limits. 

At birth, Fate slapped a phoenix on the arm of Jarl Kolsten Eldrvalkyria, making him the first leader of his people chosen divinely. Surrounded by family and friends, Kolsten loves his life and does everything to aid the exceptional phoenixes in his village. A lover of books and long walks, he wanders through the woods one day and meets his mate.

Kolsten and Masse come from two different worlds, and their beliefs differ vastly. Unable to deny his attraction to Kolsten, Masse is fearful of building a bond with him. Masse must decide between his destiny and his heart. But before they can have the eternity Fate chose for them, Kolsten and Masse learn no road is without peril. And even the best laid plans cannot account for the twists and turns of life itself.


The chilly air slapped him in the face, and Masse smiled as he lifted his head to catch a snowflake on his tongue.

“I have decided I love winter,” Masse said.

“It becomes you,” Kolsten remarked softly, then scooped Masse into his arms and ran to their longhouse.

Masse laughed uproariously and dutifully pushed the door open to allow them entry. As ever, the fire was a welcome respite from the cold, but the home was not nearly as warm as the hall filled with bodies. That did not matter to Masse. The second his feet hit the floor, Masse peeled off his cloak, carefully set the sharp axe on the table where they took their meals, and shoved off his boots. 

“I was worried you would object to leaving the curtains open so I could see your body by the light of the fire, but my concerns seem to have been for naught,” Kolsten mused as Masse stripped and refused to feel anything but desire and love as he removed his clothing.

“Is it wrong to act with such freedom with one’s mate?” Masse asked, his cock hardening as Kolsten sat to remove his footwear after hanging up his cloak.

“No, but I would rather you not be chilled either,” Kolsten replied with a small smile.

“Since you are moving so slow, I will await you beneath the covers.”

Kolsten chuckled as Masse rushed to their bed and burrowed beneath the sheet. The phoenix shifter warmed Masse’s blood with his fair visage and tempting mouth, but even the Jarl of Eldrvalkyria was no match for the bite of a winter night. Masse waited impatiently until Kolsten strode over with his thick member half hard.

Luxuriating in the feel of his skin against Kolsten’s as his mate pulled him into his arms, Masse pointed to a thick pouch. 

“One of the villagers gave me a special oil scented with blooms as a gift this morn. She mentioned it would be lovely to use when your phoenix bit me instead of using common oil. I was not sure what use she intended it for, but we cannot stray from your traditions.”

“Sex is not something we shy away from discussing in our village. We allow none to enter a matebond unaware of how two people may please one another, no matter how they are fashioned,” Kolsten told him softly with a kiss to Masse’s nose. “Oil is used to allow one man to take another.”

“You spoke of putting your member inside me, yet we have not done so. Is that what you mean?”

Kolsten’s hand moved down to cup Masse’s arse. A shiver and a gasp escaped Masse as Kolsten’s fingertip grazed his hole. 

“The oil is used here, my Masse. With my fingers I would stretch this tight skin until it is ready to welcome my cock. Then I would thrust deep inside you and spill my seed. Or if you had an interest, you could prepare me in that way and make love to me in that fashion.”

There was something in the way Kolsten said those words that had Masse tilting his head to study his other half. “You are less than enthusiastic about being the one penetrated.”

“It is not something I have done before. I was not inclined to try it, but things are different with you. We are mates, and I would fulfill your every dream.”

“You have taken other men this way?”

“Masse, I do not wish to discuss it.”

Strangely delighted with the irritation in Kolsten’s voice, Masse grinned. “But what if it were my dream to know the names of your lovers? You do not wish to break tradition and deprive me of anything, do you?”

Kolsten narrowed his eyes. “Would you prefer to roll over and pleasure yourself while I took a well-earned rest?”

“Your phoenix would not grant you the mercy of sleep,” Masse retorted and brushed their lips together. “I will not ask about your previous lovers, but I do wish to be taken fully. You inside me, spilling your seed. That is my dream this night.”

“I must ask if you are sure.”

Instead of a sweet kiss, Masse slipped his tongue deep into Kolsten’s mouth and did not stop tasting him until they were both fully erect. Masse wiggled against Kolsten to ensure his mate felt the proof of his desire. “Kole, this is what I want.”

About the Author

Jessamyn Kingley has published over thirty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

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