The Rockstar by Emerson Beckett and Rheland Richmond

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
The Rockstar
By Emerson Beckett & Rheland Richmond

The Rockstar (2)

Portland Protectors- EHM Security Series
Book 1

The first book in the sexy new bodyguard series set in the Package Deal World.

Adam Spencer – “The Rockstar”

Here’s what I know -- some people aren’t meant to find love.

And as much as I want to be someone’s everything, that’s not meant for me.

After a painful breakup, I channeled all my hurt into a song that has skyrocketed my band, Fallen Angel, to the top of the charts.

Now I need protection from the one person who was supposed to love me no matter what—my mother.

Whether I want him or not, I now have a sexy, silver-tongued southern charmer as my 24/7 bodyguard.

I’ve tried not to fall for him, because I don’t do relationships. They hurt too much.

But Michael has me thinking I could take one more chance to find love.

Or was I meant to be alone like I thought all along?

Michael Coleman – “Phantom”

I’ve always been a protector. During my career as a Navy SEAL, my duty was to protect my four best friends.

Now I need to protect the sexy rock star I love flirting with every time he walks in the door to our EHM office.

Adam Spencer lights me up like no one ever has. And that’s saying something.

I’ll do whatever it takes to protect him, even from himself.

Have I finally found the love I’ve been hoping for with the Rockstar?

The Rockstar is a flirty, friends-to-lovers, bodyguard and rockstar MM Romance that takes place in the Package Deal Series World. It can be read as a stand-alone book.

Trigger Warning: There is off the page reference to physical abuse to a minor. Off the page domestic violence and death of a mentioned character.

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He-Man and Adam

I don't know anything...


I pulled up to the window and handed the smiling girl my card. “Here ya go, darlin’.”

Adam went to retrieve his wallet, but I waved him off. “Business expense.”

I watched as she gathered our food and put it in the bag.

“Would you like one of our loyalty cards? You can get a free item if you come back enough,” she asked, smiling at me.

“Why yes, please,” I replied, returning her smile.

I watched as she added napkins to the bag before handing it to me. I then handed it to Adam, who sat there with his head cocked to one side, looking at me.

I smirked and turned my attention back to the girl in the window.

“Here you go,” she said with a wink as she handed me my credit card. “Come back and see us again.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you.”

Pulling away from the window, I put my credit card back in my wallet, then placed the loyalty card with her name and phone number on the back onto the dash. When I closed it, I could see he hadn’t moved and was watching me like a bug under a microscope.

I chuckled. “What?”

“Do you flirt with everyone?”

“What do you mean? She was flirting with me.”

Adam laughed. “You started it!”

“I did no such thing,” I said, pulling out of the drive thru. “She started it, and I didn’t want to embarrass her by not playing along.”

Adam’s high-pitched strangled noise drew my attention. “You called her ‘darlin’’ like you’re a cowboy on the range wrangling cows or something.” He was mimicking me, and it made me smile.

Now it was my turn to laugh. “I did, but I’m telling you—she started it.”

“How?” he asked incredulously. I imagine if he could put his hands on his hips, he would have.

I guess I had to share this with him. “She gave me the smile.”

Adam shifted to look at me. “What smile? I really think you’re imagining things.”

“No, I’m not. She smiled that smile with her eyes, like a girl does when she wants you to ask her out. You know what I mean.”

He barked out a laugh. “No, the fuck I don’t. I’m gay.”

“But you’re a rockstar. Girls have to hit on you.”

He snorted. “Yeah, they do. But I’m usually paying more attention to their boyfriends.”

I laughed at his response and shook my head.

Damn, this was going to be fun.

Phantom -

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the cover reveal of The Rockstar, Rheland & Emerson are giving away 2 e-books of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Adam- Red Portland Protectors (1)

About the Authors

Rheland Richmond:

For as long as she can remember, Rheland's had her nose stuck in a book, getting lost in the world of someone else's creation (She still does). Her love for writing came from her love for reading. She could never have one without the other.

Writing has always been a hobby and a cathartic experience for her. There are many stories lost to the never to be completed or published pile but needed to be written at the time.

She's just a girl that loved stories so much she decided to write hers.

Rheland would love to hear from her readers and learn more about y'all. So if you get a chance... Get in touch.

Connect with Rheland:

Emerson Beckett:

Emerson Beckett is new to the publishing world. As an avid sports fan and lover of well-written M/M romance books, Emerson loves her new career as an author of gay romance. It’s even more fulfilling for her when she can combine the two.

The journey to becoming an author started with an idea while reading on the sofa. That idea became an email that ultimately resulted in Emerson using those teacher skills to edit novels for three phenomenal MM romance authors. The third referral led to an opportunity to co-write a book series with one of the most genuine and kindest people she’s ever had the pleasure of knowing- Rheland Richmond. Emerson is the co-author of The Package Deal Series, which includes The Quarterback KeeperPass Interference, Unnecessary RoughnessTwo-Point Conversion, Illegal Motion, Ineligible Receiver, and one more upcoming book in the series. She plans to release her first solo book in 2023.

Besides being a retired teacher and author, Emerson lives in North Carolina and has been married to the same man for 32 years. She is the mother of three beautiful adults, one of whom is proudly part of the LGBTQ Community and completely responsible for her addiction to MM Romance. Even though the kids no longer live at home, they filled the empty nest with an Australian Shepherd, three cats, and a cute bunny rabbit.

Emerson would love to hear from her readers. So if you get a chance... Get in touch.

Connect with Emerson:



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